What Does Under Consideration Mean on Job Application?

what does under consideration mean

When applicants submit job applications, they often receive status updates regarding the progression of their applications. “Under consideration” is a term commonly encountered in these updates. It indicates that the candidate’s application is being reviewed by the hiring authority. This status suggests that the applicant has met some or all of the job qualifications on paper and the employer is evaluating their suitability for the position.

The phrase “under consideration” carries no guarantee of an interview or job offer. It simply means the application has moved to the next stage in the hiring process where it will undergo further scrutiny. At this point, the candidate may be compared against other applicants, and the employer may determine who will be advanced to the interview stage. The amount of time an application remains under consideration can vary based on the employer’s recruitment processes and the number of applications received.

Key Takeaways

Understanding ‘Under Consideration’

When a job application status reads ‘Under Consideration’, it indicates that the candidate’s application materials are being reviewed by the hiring team to determine their suitability for the position.

A young female professional, <a href=looking focused and hopeful, sitting at a computer in a home office. She is checking her job application status online. Her expression is a mix of anticipation and cautious optimism." width="410" height="615" />

Definition and Scope

‘Under Consideration’ is a term used during the recruitment process to signify that an application has passed initial screening stages and is now being closely evaluated. This status does not guarantee advancement to an interview but shows a candidate is still in the running.

Significance for Candidates

For a candidate, ‘Under Consideration’ can be a positive indication of progress in the job application process.

Understanding this status helps candidates gauge where they stand but should be considered as one step in the multi-faceted hiring process.

Job Application Process Overview

When individuals apply for a job, their application embarks on a journey through distinct stages, from submission to final decision. Each phase of the process is designed to evaluate the candidate’s suitability for the position.

A middle-aged male professional, appearing methodical and attentive, reviewing a stack of job applications on his desk in a well-lit office. He

Initial Stages

In the initial stages, applicants submit their job application, which is then acknowledged as ‘application received’ by the employer. At this point, the application is typically classified as ‘under review,’ indicating that the hiring team will begin examining the applicant’s qualifications. This is the starting point where the submitted materials are first sifted through by either human resources or automated systems.

Mid-Process Assessments

During mid-process assessments, the application is actively being evaluated; it is now in progress. Recruiters and hiring managers assess applicants against job requirements and may use various tools like applicant tracking systems to manage this phase. They consider work history, skills, and potential alignment with the company’s needs. At this stage, candidates may be asked to complete tests or additional forms, and some may be invited for interviews.

Final Evaluation

The final evaluation phase is where decision-makers come to a consensus regarding the applicant’s fit for the role. They take into account all acquired information through the previous stages. Feedback from interviews, assessments, and any other selection methods contribute to the outcome. The status of ‘under consideration’ is often used here to signify that an applicant is being seriously looked at as a contender but no definitive decision has been made yet. Once finalized, candidates are notified whether they are selected for the role or not.

Communication with Applicants

In the recruitment process, timely and clear communication between recruiters and candidates is essential. It ensures applicants are aware of their application status and fosters a positive applicant experience.

A young male recruiter, looking professional and approachable, talking on a headset while looking at a computer screen. He is conducting a follow-up call with a job applicant, embodying the importance of recruiter-candidate communication.

Application Status Updates

Companies typically inform candidates about the status of their applications through automated systems or direct communication from recruiters. When an application is “Under Consideration,” it signifies that a candidate’s profile is being reviewed and has not yet been ruled out.

Recruiter Interaction

Recruiters play a pivotal role in maintaining open lines of communication with applicants throughout the hiring process.

Candidates appreciate when hiring entities keep them informed. Effective communication builds a professional image of the company and keeps candidates engaged and informed about where they stand in the application process.

Interviewing Stage

When a job application is under consideration, it indicates that the candidate has passed the initial screening and has been shortlisted. This stage often involves interviewing, which is critical to the hiring process. This section will outline what candidates typically encounter during the interviewing phase, focusing on preparation and follow-up.

A confident young female candidate, dressed professionally, waiting in a lobby before her interview. She is reviewing her notes, portraying preparation and focus before the crucial interview stage.

Preparing for Interviews

Candidates must prepare thoroughly to succeed in interviews. Researching the company and understanding its culture, values, and recent developments is crucial. Interviewees should be familiar with the job description and have a clear idea of how their skills and experience align with the role’s requirements.


Following the interview, there are a few steps candidates should take:

  1. Thank You Note: Sending a thank-you email within 24 hours shows appreciation and reiterates interest in the position.
  2. Feedback Request: If they are not selected, candidates may request feedback for future improvement.

Job Offer and Negotiation

When a job application is under consideration and the employer decides to move forward, this stage includes extending an offer to the candidate and awaiting their response. It is critical for both parties to clearly communicate and understand the terms of the offer to ensure a smooth process.

 A middle-aged female professional, looking pleased and contemplative, reading a job offer letter at her desk. Her expression reflects the satisfaction of receiving a job offer and considering the terms before negotiation.

Extending an Offer

An employer typically extends a job offer to a candidate in a formal manner, which may be done through an email, a letter, or a phone call. This offer will include specific details such as the position title, salary, benefits, and any other terms of employment. It is important for the employer to set a clear deadline by which the candidate should respond, providing adequate time for the candidate to consider the offer and negotiate terms if necessary.

Candidate Response

Upon receiving the job offer, the candidate has a few possible courses of action. They can either accept the offer, decline it, or begin negotiations for different terms. The candidate’s response should also be conveyed formally, and typically includes:

  1. A thank-you message for the opportunity.
  2. Clearly stated intentions (acceptance, decline, or desire to negotiate).
  3. Specific points of the offer they wish to discuss if they choose to negotiate.

During negotiation, it is paramount for the candidate to maintain professionalism and offer reasonable requests. They may discuss aspects such as salary, schedule flexibility, start date, and additional benefits. If the negotiation is successful, the candidate may receive an amended offer. If the terms are acceptable, they can then formally accept the offer. If an agreement cannot be reached, the candidate may choose to decline the offer. It’s crucial that both parties keep a record of their communication to avoid misunderstandings.

Other Application Statuses

When examining job applications, candidates may encounter a range of statuses. These terms can vary depending on the company’s hiring process and the systems they use, such as Workday. Understanding what each status signifies can bridge the gap between confusion and clarity for applicants.

A young male job seeker, appearing slightly confused but curious, looking at different job application status updates on his laptop.

Alternative Status Meanings

Understanding these status codes is crucial as they can represent different stages in the hiring process.

Following Up on Status

Candidates are often encouraged to follow up on their application status if there has been no communication from the employer within a reasonable time frame.

Candidates should tailor their follow-up based on the company’s communication norms and the status of their application as indicated by their Workday job application status or other application tracking systems.

Potential Outcomes

When a job application status reads “Under Consideration,” it typically leads to a range of potential outcomes. Applicants should prepare for further updates indicating whether they progress to the next stages of the hiring process or not.

A hopeful young female professional, looking at her phone with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, awaiting a call or message about the outcome of her job application. Her expression reflects the anxious wait for a potential positive or negative response.

Positive Indicators

A message stating that an application is “Under Consideration” often serves as a good sign that the candidate has passed initial screening processes. One of two main positive outcomes may follow:

Hired:For Future Consideration:
An official job offer is extendedThe profile is retained for other roles

Negative Indicators

Conversely, negative outcomes are also possible and can be categorized as follows:

RejectedSilence or No Update
Applicant explicitly informed of rejectionLack of updates over an extended period


When an applicant’s status reads “under consideration,” it generally signifies that the resume or application is being reviewed by the hiring team. This stage is a neutral phase, neither a guarantee of employment nor a sign of rejection.

A thoughtful young male professional, looking contemplative, standing by a window with a city view. He

Important Points to Remember:

Possible Next Steps for Applicants:

  1. Continuing the job search to keep options open.
  2. Preparing for potential interviews or additional screening processes.

In summary, the term “under consideration” is a part of the recruitment process that requires patience from the candidate. It reflects that their application has met initial criteria and is being evaluated further among the pool of applicants.