Placement Testing

Placement assessments are used to determine the courses that are the best fit for you as you move forward with your college coursework.

ACCUPLACER English placement test

Students who need to take an English course or a course that requires reading must take the placement test if they did not meet GPA, ACT/SAT requirements. A reading test will be required if the student has not met the requirements for EGL 101/100 or have the required ACT/SAT scores. View more information about ACCUPLACER English placement testing.

Who needs to be assessed?

All students new to LLCC must be assessed unless they meet one of the following conditions:

  1. Hold a degree at the bachelor's level or above;
  2. Have achieved grades of a C or better in a college-level English course (EGL 101 , its equivalent, or above) and a college-level mathematics course (MAT 104, its equivalent, or above) from any accredited college or university; or
  3. Have earned an SAT score of 480 or better in the writing/reading and 530 or better in math sections and/or have an ACT score of 18 or better in English, ACT score of 22 or better in mathematics.

The grade point averages listed below are required for entrance into select English courses.

English placement testing facts

The information below is for those who choose to complete ACCUPLACER testing for entrance into an English course.

How can I prepare for the ACCUPLACER placement test?

You are strongly encouraged to do some preparation before taking the placement test. The following links have study guides or materials that may be helpful in your preparation.


The ACCUPLACER placement test can be scheduled during office hours. All other tests require an appointment or registration. To arrange for an exam to be proctored, please call the Testing Center at 217-786-2246 or email

ALEKS math placement test

Lincoln Land Community College requires an ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (ALEKS PPL) Assessment to determine a student's readiness for mathematics courses. ALEKS PPL is a web-based program that uses artificial intelligence to map your strengths and weaknesses. View more information about ALEKS math placement testing.

Who needs to be assessed?

All students new to LLCC must be assessed unless they meet one of the following conditions:

  1. Hold a degree at the bachelor's level or above.
  2. Have achieved grades of a C or better in a college-level mathematics course (MAT 104, its equivalent, or above) from any accredited college or university; or
  3. Have earned an SAT score 530 or better in math sections and/or have an ACT score of 22 or better in mathematics.

The grade point average listed below is required for entrance into select math courses.

Math placement testing facts

The information below is for those who choose to complete ALEKS testing for entrance into a math course.

How can I prepare for the ALEKS placement test?

You are strongly encouraged to do some preparation before taking the placement test. The following links have study guides or materials that may be helpful in your preparation.


Remote testing options are available for ALEKS math placement.

The ALEKS placement test can be scheduled during office hours. All other tests require an appointment or registration. To arrange for an exam to be proctored, please call the Testing Center at 217-786-2246 or email

Understanding your ALEKS results

Your placement results include a number between 0 to 100. The number represents the percentage of topics ALEKS has identified you have mastered:

You will receive your score immediately upon completion of your placement assessment. Your ALEKS score can be viewed by re-entering ALEKS using the same access link for which you took the placement assessment.