To request to be excused from jury service fill out the Jury Information Form, located at the bottom of the summons, or on-line using eJuror.
Upon request, the Jury Clerk may excuse the following occupational classes or groups of people from jury service:
IMPORTANT: Requests for excusal must be submitted in writing by the person summoned (not your employer). Requests for excusal must be submitted before you receive a Notice to Report; the Jury Clerk cannot grant you an excuse once you have been issued a Notice to Report.
2. How do I submit a request to postpone my jury service?
To request to be postponed from jury service fill out the Jury Information Form, located at the bottom of the summons, or on-line using eJuror.
Upon request, the Jury Clerk may grant postponement of jury service for the following:
Write a letter or send an email stating specifically why you need to be postponed or use the Excuse/Postpone/Partial Excuse option in eJuror to submit your request. Please include the date that you will be available.
IMPORTANT: Requests for postponement must be submitted in writing by the person summoned (not your employer). Requests for postponement must be submitted before you receive a Notice to Report; the Jury Clerk cannot grant you postponement once you have been issued a Notice to Report.