The Division of Planning and Affordable Housing is involved in the development of municipal land use policies and regulations, in the processing of development regulations through the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment, in the development and coordination of County and State roadway improvements, and in the provision of affordable housing in the Township.
Property owners and developers of land in the Township can meet with staff to discuss the development potential of property prior to moving forward. Property owners living in proximity to a proposed development can meet with staff to review proposed development plans and raise questions. The Planning Division works with the Planning Board to prepare the Township Master Plan which provides guidance for land use and housing policy, capital improvements and roadway improvements in the Township. This Master Plan is reexamined at least every ten years.
Staff reviews all proposed amendments to the Master Plans and Zoning Ordinances of adjacent communities, as well as all major applications for development in adjacent municipalities. The Township Planner serves as the Township’s Municipal Liaison, providing oversight to all affordable housing being constructed in the Township and any other affordable housing activities.
M-F : 8:30 am - 4:00 pm